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全米屈指の安全な街Thousand Oaksからのんびりとお届けします。



にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ


Antiwhaling promotion does not help to stop whaling

An Australian journalist was reject to enter the Whale museum At Taiji Japan, because she is a leader of antiwhaling campaign.

She complain to a low court about it was rasic discrimination.

However, before she was reject, she broke a law of museum.   She was enter the museum as a tourist, and she interview other visitors. This is trouble behavior in Japan. She must get permission from museum to interview  other visitor.

Even a Japanese man do same thing, I'm sure they will be reject the man.

This is not race discrimination.

I'm OK to do antiwhaling promotion activity, but some of them are disturbing people's life. If you want to stop whaling, you must understand their culture, you must curm down and listen their voice. Nobody likes forced other person's opinion. Talk to them in peace.

Argument or nuisance does not help you to stop them.    
